Monday, June 07, 2010

Tweet and Taste Michigan - 6/7/10

The Tweet and Taste Michigan for the Old Mission Peninsula was a success and a half.

The seven reviews below this are writeups for the wine tasted. All were, at a minimum, very good with some being truly excellent. If I didn't care for a wine I'd say so, or I simply wouldn't post a review, but they were uniformly SOLID.

I even mentioned at one point in the discussion that I was hoping to dislike at least one. I'm not going to say all were awesomely outrageous and you should buy all seven, but the fact that I liked all seven - and to be blunt I've been kind of aggravated with a lot of wine lately - says a lot. (An argument can be made that obviously all seven showed well since the wineries themselves chose the bottles to sample and one would think they'd choose what they feel strongly about and not their plonk, not that they make plonk of course, no sir.)

Kudos to Shannon and Cortney from Michigan By the Bottle for all their work in putting it together.

I wanted to get the reviews up asap (due to the fact that I won't be able to post much in the next few days) - if there are glaring typos I hope to have them fixed by the end of the week, in the mean time, thanks for reading.

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